Thigh lift
Thigh lift surgery is likewise referred to as Thighplasty and is an invasive method that allows deal with excess skin and fat at the thighs. This enables sculpting your thighs after extreme weight loss. The thigh lifts surgical procedure allows you to remove the extra fats and free pores and skin to your thighs. depending on the requirements, the thigh lift surgical treatment can be personalized.
Some patients might have only fat in which case liposuction alone will help and in other cases, there might be loose skin. In such situations, the extra is removed and sutured.
There are two types of thigh lift procedures
The upper thigh lift is a surgical procedure to reduce excess skin and fat on the upper portion of the inner thigh giving a firmer appearance. It is performed by removing a crescent of skin and fat from the upper portion of the inner thigh creating a horizontal scar.
Widespread thigh raise includes the elimination of extra loose pores and skin and fats to reshape, tone, and company the upper leg; normally due to weight reduction. The scar on this method is orientated vertically and horizontally.
Who is the candidate for the thigh lift?
- People with a stable weight
- Those who struggle with loose, excess skin as a result of weight loss
- People with excess fat tissue along the inner and the outer thigh region
- People with no other co-morbidities.
- Non-smokers.
- People are committed to healthy lifestyles, including proper nutrition and fitness.
What does the procedure do?
- The thigh lift surgery is usually performed under the administration of general anesthesia. If only liposuction is planned standard liposuction is done. In case skin excess is present we need to make cuts and remove the skin as per the marking.
- You will end up getting scars, however, these are hidden inner sides. The incision is made at discrete points when the surgery is undertaken at both the outer and inner thighs.
- The size and length of the incision depend on the amount of excess skin and the type of thigh lift procedure.
- Through the incisions made, the surgeon will remove the loose skin, smooth out the fat deposits, and sculpt and contour the thighs.
- Post-operation care, A thigh lift is an intensive procedure and recovery takes some time. We advise the patients to use a compression garment for a few weeks post- Surgery.
- You may be required to rest your body for at least two or three weeks.
- Refrain from doing intense exercises and workouts for at least 4 to 6 weeks.
- You may resume gentle walking and exercises soon after you feel comfortable. You may experience swelling and bruising for a few days and it is very normal. The surgeon may place an incision to drain excess fluids and fight against swelling.
When to contact doctor urgently?
- Increasing pain in the region.
- Increasing swelling in the region.
- Excessive bruising
- Fever
- Redness within the area

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