
Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic nose reshaping treatment performed to alter the nose’s size, shape, appearance, or proportion. Often referred to as a ‘Nose Job’, it modifies the bone or cartilage. Rhinoplasty is also used to correct medical problems that cause breathing difficulties. Some people undertake Rhinoplasty to improve the appearance of their nose and face, while others take it to enhance their nasal functioning.

The degree of alteration may vary from a minute refinement to seeking a radical change in the shape and size of the nose. The nose is a crucial feature of the face and alters the entire facial architecture; it requires meticulous effort and greater precision.

Who is the candidate for rhinoplasty?
Pre – operation requirements

Before you take up rhinoplasty surgery, the surgeon would lead discussions on the following subjects.

How is rhinoplasty surgery performed?

There are two types of rhinoplasty surgeries. One is called as open Rinoplasty and the other is called as Closed. 

Open rhinoplasty is done is case a major changes are needed in the structure. Such as bony alterations in the upper part of your nose. there is a cut in the lower part of the nose in open rhinoplasty.

THe closed rhinoplasty is type where the nose structures are altered without major dissection of the tissues . More over, the cuts are made inside of the nostril and there no visible scars outside the nose.

We will suggest an appropriate Rhinoplasty nose surgery based on the assessment and requirements of the patient. 

Rhinoplasty is usually conducted under general anesthesia. The Rhinoplasty nose surgery will take one hour to three hours, based on the complexity of the procedure.  

Post – operative care
When to contact doctor urgently?

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