Lip reduction

Lip Reduction Surgery  is procedure done to reduce the volume and alter the size of the lip. it helps in getting a harmonious facial features. It is also called as also Reduction Cheiloplasty. Whereas  the Lip augmentation  is procedure done to increase the volume of the lips by using fillers.

Who are the candidates for lip reduction?

Any aged person can get their lips volume reduced.

Patients with thicker  lips or different sized lips. The upper lip and the lower lips are not symmetrical. 

Causes of oversized lips.

Racial traits and hereditary are the commons causes.

congenital conditions.

How is the procedure done?

Most lip reduction surgeries use local anesthesia ( by giving numbing injections)

The procedure typically involves,

If you are uncomfortable with the procedure being done awake, than you could ask for sedation anesthesia during the procedure. The procedure takes around 60 to 90 minutes.

Post operative care
When to contact during emergency?

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