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Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatment

Laser for skin rejuvenation or Laser resurfacing is a procedure that is done  to make your skin loo more brighter and toned. It also used to  reduce the wrinkles , scars, to even out skin pigmentation  and tightening skin, thus making you the get the skin you always wanted.

How do lasers work?

Laser are basically a beam of light or concentrated energy that is make to hit on the top layers of you skin. This Laser light vaporizes the top layers of your skin which in turn rejuvinates and form as new  smoother firmer skin. That is when the outer layer of the skin is removed the underlying layer, dermis, is stimulated with the growth and there formation of new collagen fibers. This procedure is also called as laser peel or laser vaporization.

Who is the candidate for laser skin resurfacing?
Who will not benefited by laser skin therapy?
How is the procedure performed?

Laser resurfacing is performed on an outpatient basis. It all starts with cleaning your face and using numbing creams. This helps you be comfortable when the procedure is being done.

General sedation  is  rarely used and not required. A partial-face laser abrasion might take upto  30 to 45 minutes, and full-face takes 1 to 2 hours. 

Following laser resurfacing, a nonstick dressing is applied to the treated area for a day. 

The treated areas are cleansed using saline two to five times a day. An ointment such as Vaseline or moisturizing creams is applied. The ointments or creams prevent any scab formation. The areas heal depending on the depth of the treatment done. It could take anywhere between 5 to  21 days.

After procedure care for laser treatment?
What are the possible side effects?

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