Hip fat removal – (love handles)

Love handles are region of the hip. Many people develop fat accumulation over these areas. Because of this they struggle to exhibit a finer shape in the area and has dissatisfaction in wearing their desired clothes. A hip fat removal treatment is the fix for your struggle with fat accumulation around the hips that just don’t go away with diet or exercise.

Women especially tend to store more fat around the hips, since evolution. This makes it so hard for them to lose fat. The is also a tendency of genetics playing it role in such a kind of fat deposition.

Will exercise or diet help?

Yes, these both are ideal first step in any weight reduction process. However, some fat cells are resistant to these normal fat melting mechanisms. They are called ‘ stuborn’ fat. Liposuction is the only means to make this stubborn fat go away quickly. And it is permanent.

Who are the candidates for hip fat removal?

Anyone who maintains a healthy life style with exercise and dieting and finding it hard to melt the fat in the hip region.

How is the procedure is performed?

It is a day care procedure, that is come in the morning and go in the evening after the procedure. This is a hassle free, walk in and out procedure.Hospitalisation is not a must. The procedure is done under the use of a  sedation anesthesia. 

For further details can go to LIPOSUCTION section.

When to contact doctor urgently?

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