Gynaecomastia (Male chest reduction)

Gynaecomastia is a condition that is characterized by enlargement of  breast tissue in males. It is a relatively common condition affecting  up to 60% of teenage boys and up to 50% of men over the age of 50. While it can be a source of embarrassment for many, it is usually  not harmful and can be treated by simple methods.

Should you worry ?

This is a benign enlargement of the male tissue meaning there is no problem with the disease as such. It happens mainly as reason Hormonal embarrasses that happens during the puberty. The estrogen hormone which is the main hormone for the female or increased during the puberty, leading to development of some breast issue in the mail. and unfortunately these breast tissue stage in some mail causing the gynecomastia issue.

why do people get surgery for gynecomastia?
Who needs surgery?

Only when there are lot of gland tissue and fat leading to a large breast tissue surgery is advised. There is also a situation where there is lots of fat accumulation happening mainly because of sedentary Lifestyle such as taking lot of junk foods and no exercises. This condition is call as pseudo-gynecomastia.

What is pseudo gynaecomastia( lipomastia)?

A condition where the reason for male  breast enlargement is only fat and not glandular tissue. ‘Pseudo’ meaning false , in actual it is not the regular gynaecomastia .If this is the condition you are suffering with that you don’t have to concerned a lot. As these fat can come down with  your regular exercise and dieting.

How do I know whether I have gynaecomastia or pseudo gynaecomastia?

Simple clinical examination by your surgeon will help in knowing the condition.

There are no requirement for scanning tests and bloods for knowing the pseudogynaecomastia .

What are the causes for gynecomastia?

What are the grades of gynecomastia?

Grades of gynaecomastia mean the stage of your disease. It simply it reflects the type of surgery plan needed. Grades of gyanecomastia are decided on the size and volume of the glandular and fat component . most important the skin that is hanging and excess .

Classification and grades of severity of gynecomastia,
What is the solution for gynaecomastia?

Once gynaecomastia diagnosis is established the only solution to this is surgery.

Nevertheless, there is very little reason to fear as surgery is simple and less complication.

It is done with liposuction , a surgery know as keyhole , where we create small how on the skin and with special instruments we remove the fat,  for the removal of the glandular tissue we might open up in the region of areola, the black colored skin surrounding the nipple.

Will I get a scar after gynaecomastia surgery ?

No, as we are doing liposuction using only a 5 mm cuts there will not any obvious scars . moreover , as we are making cuts through the areola region even that is inconspicuous.

What are the chances of gynaecomastia coming back after the surgery?

Nil, once the glandular tissues are removed it will not come back. Even as we are removing the fat cells the chances of fat accumulation again are very little.

So you don’t have to worry of it coming back.

How is the surgery done?

It is usually a day care surgery, meaning you can come in the morning and go back in the evening in the same day. The surgery begins with anesthesia , which is usually a sedation anesthesia.

Sedation anesthesia is a simple and effective to make you sleep. You will not sense any pain during the anesthesia , After the procedure, you will not have any troubles of general anesthesia ( which involve putting a tube in your wind pipe) such as throat pain, nausea ,vomiting and dizziness.

We make small cuts on the skin and inject tumescent fluid , which helps in fat break down. After that using liposuction machine we remove the fat cells.

Following which the glands remanants will be removed through a small incision over the areola ( black skin surrounding the nipple) . Suturing will done to close the wounds.

What happens after surgery?
Post operative care after gynaecomasia,
What is the complication of gynecomastia surgery?

It is considered as one of the safest surgeries how ever there are some unlikely things that could happen.

However, these could be avoided if proper protocols are followed.

When to contact doctor emergency?

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