Back fat or bra roll
A concern for many women
01 July 2024
Fat deposit anywhere in the body is concern, however, fat over the back is worrisome for most ladies as these bulges hinders them from wearing the dressing of choice. These fat are often resistant to diet and exercises. Back fat can also appear as bra rolls and is particularly noticeable when women wear a bra.
The most common solution is back fat liposuction, aimed to remove resistant pockets of fat using a specialized extraction cannula connected to vacuum suction to remove fat cells gently. The results of back liposuction are excellent creating a sculpted and contoured appearance with no bulging areas of fat which protrude through clothes.
How Does Back fat Develop?
Patients develop back fat due to several potential causes. The most common reason for the development of excessive fat in the back or any other part of the body is due to a diet containing excessive calories and a sedentary lifestyle with no exercise.
Some people may be predisposed to developing excessive amounts of back fat due to hereditary factors.Some fat may have deposited during pregnancy and women find it difficult to get rid of it. Menopause, a time when there are many hormonal changes happening especially a decline in oestrogen results in excessive amounts of fat affecting some areas of the body, such as the middle section and the lower part of the back.
Liposuction is the most effective and permanent ways of removing those resistant fat areas from the back.It could be used to remove all the fat from upper middle and lower back regions.
It is simple day care process done under anesthesia with no pain. The procedure involves making small holes (4mm) on the skin and then using a long cannula (hollow instruments) the fat cell are broken down and aspirated.
The other concern with the back bulges are its attachment of the skin to deep structures which make them appear in folds. During back liposuction we also break down the attachment and release it so that the folds even out. So that your back fat is gone along with the bra rolls.
Will it come back?
It is a common question we face with any liposuction. Fat cells once removed it will not grow back after liposuction provided one maintains a healthy lifestyle. Hence, one can look forward to having a flat and sculpted look following back fat liposuction.
After back fat liposuction, patients will need to wear a post-operative compression garment for a minimum of six weeks. The liposuction compression garment is designed to support the liposuctioned area, which reduces swelling and helps proper skin retraction.
Following liposuction of the back fat ,Most patients typically recover quickly and can return to normal activities after two weeks. Back fat liposuction results will be well appreciated by six weeks, although final results are expected some where between 3 to 6 months after the back liposuction.

We will assess your fitness for surgery at your consultation. Usually we would consider the following points.
- Patients who are at a stable weight and are not significantly overweight or obese
- Physically fit with no uncontrolled medical conditions
- Have tried diet and exercise with no success in the removal of resistant back fat
- And people who are unhappy with the fat buldges on the back.
Yes, depending on the requirement we could easily combine liposuction of other areas as well.
The most common would be Arm liposuction and hip back fat removal liposuction.Some times we are faced with problem of too much where we don’t want and too little where we wanted the most. For instance, the breast. There is solution to this problem. And it is called as Fat transfer. Here we remove the unwanted fat from the back and inject it into the breast to make look fuller.
In some situation the sagginess of the skin is too much that the mere Liposuction alone may not suffice. In that situation we will have do upper back lift. That is, the excess skin is removed and the resulting final scar is placed in hidden line of the brasseries.
The best way to determine the treatment for you would be to have a face-to-face consultation with one of our expert Dr. C Senthilkumar ensure you all the necessary details about back fat removal surgery.
Creas Centre for Surgery is an exclusive cosmetic center coimbatore for back liposuction for treating the bra roll or bra fat .We can offer other contouring surgeries as well with the back fat liposuction.
- Best cosmetic Centre for Surgery carry out hundreds of liposuction procedures, including removing back fat.
- We are one of the leading cosmetic surgery clinics in coimbatore and tamilnadu, Providing the best results to our clients.
- We specialise in using only the safest and most effective types of liposuction.
- We are expert in providing total painless procedure.
- State of the art day-case facility is located on hope college, peelamedu, Coimbatore.
- Our plastic surgeons have many years of experience using liposuction in combination with skin removal for powerful body contouring results.
Liposuction for removing back fat starts from 50,000k, and the price will be determined by several factors, such as whether liposuction will be carried out from additional areas. If back liposuction is combined with 360 liposuction, then the price of the procedure may increase.
We provide open and transparent liposuction costs, with no hidden cost or bills. Our expert Dr C Senthilkumar, best cosmetic surgeon in coimbatore, would consult you , address all your needs and provide the best results for back liposuction.

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