Abdominoplasty – tummy tuck

 Abdominoplasty, tummy tuck as common called as, is a major surgery that aims at not only removing excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen, but also it tightens the weakened muscles. It is most suitable for women who have had many pregnancies or men who has lost a lot of weight.

What is reason for protruding belly in women?

The most common cause for a belly after pregnancy in women is condition called as Recti divarication. There are two recti muscles in front of your abdomen which runs from your chest to pelvic bone.

During pregnancy as the child grows inside the uterus, there is gradual enlargement of the abdomen. There is lots of stretching of the muscles and the fascia. There may be tearing up of the facia in some woman. The normal recoiling that happens in the women after pregnancy doesn’t happen in the same way to all. This is main reason for protruding belly following pregnancy.

What is tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck is surgical procedure having four main components

Ideal candidate for tummy tuck,
Which is best for tummy reduction, abdominoplasty or liposuction?

Liposuction is suitable when you do not have a sagging skin and only fat needs to be reduced. Moreover, the skin quality should be good, meaning nice and elastic.

On the other hand, when you have muscle weakness (Recti divarications) and sagging and stretched skin, abdominoplasty is only the option.

How do I decide which is best suited for me?

As explained earlier you surgeon will able to tell you after examining you. The fat distribution, skin quality and muscle weakness are the guide in choosing the right one.

Types of abdominoplasty

 Abdominoplasty can be tailored as per your requirements. That is, there are different types of the tummy tuck available .your surgeon will able to guide you in choosing the one that will suit you.

   Liposuction also helps in sliding of the upper part and helps in tension less suturing.

What is post operative care for tummy tuck?
What to do after tummy tuck for better recovery?
Yes, but the type of surgery will be different from the one that is normally done for women. Most men don’t have muscle weakness and hence muscle repair is usually not it. In them the excess skin and fat are removed in the same way as regular tummy tuck.
Yes , you can. But the results you had after tummy tuck would probably go away. In other words , it is wise to opt for tummy tuck once you have completed your family.
No. Not advised. As the aim of C section is to deliver a safe baby. Moreover, the abdomen will reduce over period of time after the delivery naturally.
May be. In case you have a hernia ( a condition in which there is defect / hole in the abdomen covering) insurance might help. Or when there is a larger recti divarication defect affecting your daily routine insurance might help.
Work from home could be resumed in 3 days time however, of you have to travel for work then two or three weeks would be required depending upon your recovery.
Muscle strengthening exercise would take up to 2 to 3 months depending upon the defect of the muscles that was corrected. At first , if you had a smaller correction then one month is sufficient.

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